Saturday, October 6, 2012


As I was jogging along Bear River Trail this morning, I let my mind wander and go to a place where I’ve never let it go before.  I let myself wonder what it would be like to wake up Nov. 7, and Mitt Romney has been elected President of the United States.  Now, those of you who know me know that I am a liberal Democrat and an ardent supporter of President Obama.  I very much hope and believe that he will be re-elected.  But, after a poor debate performance last week by the President and a strong performance by Mitt Romney, I couldn’t help but become a little nervous, to say the least, so I decided to plan how I will react  if that happens.

First, I will probably bury myself under blankets and sob for a couple of days.  I should be allowed as much, I think.  But, then I will have to snap out of it and move on.  Right now, since Mitt Romney is the leader of nothing, and has not earned my respect, I plan to continue to express my negative opinion of him and call him out on his lies and flip flops all the way up until election day.  You will be able to find many arguments  about why I believe what I do on Facebook.  But, (and remember I don’t believe this will happen) if he becomes president, I will really, really try to accept it and wish him well.  There’s little doubt I will disagree with many of his policies because, after all, I’m a Democrat, but I will not act as if the world has come to an end and the country is doomed, like my conservative friends did when President Obama was elected.  I remember so well, the night of the election in 2008, conservatives predicting the end of the world because President Obama had won.  This blatant hatred has continued throughout his presidency.  They have refused to give him an ounce of credit,  while blaming him for everything, including the weather, and questioning every part of his life from his religion to his citizenship to his love of and allegiance to the country.  I will not do that to Mr. Romney.  I will give him a chance and give him credit for things he does well.  I also will not teach my children to hate him.  If he should become president, I will tell them to always refer to him as President Romney (oh, that’s difficult to even type). One of the most striking things, to me, about the last 4 years, has been the hate spewed by my children’s classmates, about the President, attitudes most likely expressed at home by adults who should know better.  It’s time for citizens of the United States to stop disrespecting the office of the Presidency.  America is better than that.

The scenario of a Romney win frightens me, but realistically I know my life is not likely to change very much.  I honestly believe President Obama is the better choice for the country.  But, if it doesn’t go that way, I’m going to accept it.  I hope my conservative friends will do the same when (okay, if) President Obama is re-elected.

We are all Americans and no matter which party has the White House, we’re fortunate to live in this country and if we forget that, we really are doomed.


  1. Bravo! Let's hope you lead by the example of taking the higher road. Attagirl.

  2. Love your blog! I will add that I've had a problem with the people over the last 4 yrs who have continued NOT to refer to our President as PRESIDENT OBAMA. Whether we believe in all his agenda, he deserves the respect of the title he holds. I totally agree with your ending! As Americans, we forget how blessed our country is and we need to stop waking up each morning taking that for-granted.
    Cannot wait for your next installment! :)
