Saturday, January 1, 2011

As the New Year begins today, I'm at a point in my life when I'm questioning my purpose.  Sure, I've given birth to and am raising 4 children.  I guess you could say my main purpose has been to be a Mom, but as they become older and more independent, I feel the need to be more, do more with my life.  The age of 46 is a strange age.  I remember as a young adult feeling that the 40s seemed so far away and people in their 40s seemed "old".  Well, I don't feel old, at least on most days, but I can see the evidence of my age more and more when I look in the mirror.  I always told myself aging would not bother me, but vanity has made itself known to me, and I admit, I hate the look of my aging skin. What's worse, though, looking old or looking ridiculous trying to look young?  Youth and looks fade.

This year I am going to look for ways I can give back.  I need to tap into what talents I have, that have been repressed for so long, while I've been busy being a Mom.  Rediscovering what those talents are is going to be my greatest challenge.  I'm moderately intelligent, very impatient and a world class procrastinator.  Fortunately, I have lots of inspirational people in my life to learn from.

Christi Nowicki


  1. Christi..I love you! You are somebody special!!..and you look AMAZING!! And we can go on a quest to give back and find our talents together!!..that is one of my goals too! I think it is good to always have a craving for be more and expect for from your current situation...I know thats how I am too. You are awesome and I am thankful to call you a friend!!:):) <3~Laurie

  2. expect MORE from your current situation**

  3. Oh I LOVE this! Christi, you are an amazing woman in all ways. I, too, struggle with aging. I have many friends who have had facelifts. I don't like that look either. If society didn't bombard us with pictures of youthful, perfect bodies we would be more accepting of ourselves. But we're always trying to compete and it's a fruitless effort. I see the BH housewives and think most look like caricatures. I believe you're on the right track because when we're outside of ourselves and doing something with passion and purpose our focus changes to something much healthier. You go goddess.
